I guess I am learning that when someone tells you something will take a week....expect it to take a lot longer than that. I was supposed to be licensed as of yesterday but the weather Gods don't seem to like me very much and they keep sending snow our way (it hasn't ever snowed as much here as it has this year). The snow closed down our city both Monday and Tuesday and therefor, I never got my phone call on Monday to finish my home study.
Tonight at a little after 8 pm, I got the call I have been waiting for all week. I was told that one of my three background checks hasn't come back yet and I won't have my license until the background check comes in. I did spend a little over an hour on the phone and finished answering all of the questions the woman from the agency had for me. She said she is going to write up the last little bit of my home study and then I am done and ready to go as soon as my background check comes in.
I really hope this happens soon. It's funny because I had to have a background check done in three different states and it is only my state that hasn't come back yet. They are supposedly really backed up and this weather is not helping at all.
Until then, this home is ready and so are our hearts. We are just enjoying our days and looking forward to bringing another little munchkin into our lives (one at a time at least because I am sure there will be plenty of little munchkins that will come into my home).
How long did it take you to get your background checks done?
Þetta kemur allt, það ræður enginn við veðrið. En bíddu bara, kanski í næstu viku. ;-)
Love mamma
Recently approved. Ran into this issue. My case worker drove me to the state capitol (over two hours each way) and we got it that same day. This was a little known work-around.
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